A .UK domain name displays only 1 Contact, the Registrant Contact when performing a Whois lookup, This contact represents the owner of the domain name.
Registrants who do not use or plan to use their domain name for business, trade (including registration of domain names for monetization purposes) or professional transactions, can choose to opt out of having their Contact Details displayed in the Whois lookup. This option can be enabled at the registration process.
Service Contact: If the country of the Registrant Contact is not UK in case of a 2nd Level .UK domain name, then an additional Service Contact must be specified at the time of Registration or Contact Modification. This Contact must have a valid UK address, with the country being United Kingdom (GB), Isle of Man (IM), Jersey (JE) or Guernsey (GG). The Registry will send all physical communication intended for the domain name to this address.
To Modify the Registrant Contact Details (except the Identity) of a .UK domain name, simply go to the Domains section in your client panel.
Identity refers to the Name of the Registrant Contact, if the Registrant Contact is an individual or the Company Name of the Registrant Contact, if the Registrant Contact is a non-individual. For more details please check at "Process laid down by the .UK Registry for Change of Registrant Identity"
If you are modifying the Country of the Registrant Contact from UK to a non-UK country for a Second Level .UK domain name, you need to specify a Service Contact