11th Sept 2010
SSL/TLS over SMTP support is available in all the shared hosting cPanel servers
As you know we keep working day by day to satisfy our clients.Many of our clients were asking for SSL/TLS support over SMTP and as we have a tweaked cpanel mailservers where we have ASSP spam protection system installed was not possible natively support SSL/TLS over SMTP.But we worked it around to provide this feature. We now support SSL/TLS over ...
11th Sept 2010
cPanel and software updates on shared hosting servers is complete
We have updated all the shared hosting servers with the last cPanel stable version, apache update and mysql/php update.
12th Aug 2010
.CO domains are now available for registration!
It is a pleasure to announce that we have added to the list of available domains to register the .CO domains, belonging to Colombia.From now you can register your .CO second level domains and the third level .COM.CO, .NET.CO and .NOM.COThey cost:
.co - $ 32.95/yr.com.co ,.net.co and .nom.com - $ 23.95/yrRegister your .CO domain ...
30th Jul 2010
End of .tv domains promotional price
On 2010/07/31 0:00 GMT is the end of the .TV domains promotional price ($29.95/yr).
The regular price now is $37.95/yr