If you need update or change the nameservers in your domain name registered with us, to point the domain to our services or to any other host. You can do it from your Client Area as instructed below.


1- Login into your Client Area at https://secure.plusplushosting.net


client area login


client area login


2- Go to the Domains --> My Domains section in the menu.



3- Click in the 3 dots icon and then select Manage Nameservers option from the drop down menu.



4- If you wish to use our registrar services, such as the 2 free email addresses, domain forwarding, email forwarding, DNS management, etc. select Use default nameservers. If you are hosting the domain with us, in any of our web hosting services or you are hosting the domain elsewhere, select Use custom nameservers and update your nameservers information. Once Updated click the Change Nameservers button at the footer of the form.


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