While our servers are optimized to run different types of web sites is always good to improve the performance of your site with some additional tweaks. If you are running your website on Joomla platform consider the recommendations listed below to improve the performance and the load speed of your site. Note that this is just a tip and not a requirement or obligation.

1- Enable the "Cache" from Global Configuration >> Cache. Then set the clear cache time (queries are made to the database and stored in temporary files until it passes the time set for refresh the cache).

2- Enable the "GZIP Page Compression" from Global Configuration >> Server. For this, your server must have enabled the Zlib module. This compress and send the http documents to the client browser where is decompressed (if HTTP request supports this type of encoding). This saves in server transfer.

3- Use lightweight templates (low weight in kb), with simple designs and few external images, and possibly based on Layers and validated as XHTML (Transitional).

4- Do not overload your home page with 20 or 30 modules.

5- Optimize CSS and delete any unused code.

6- Do not overload your pages (content) with too many images, multimedia elements, flash, etc..

7- Do not link too many pictures or javascripts from other servers (external url), this significantly slows the loading.

8- Do not format too much your content with the wysiwyg editor, try to use CSS styles.

9- Do not make very long pages with too much scrolling.

10- A relatively optimized and fast loading website shouldnt have more than 300 lines of code (your finla html code), and no more than 12Kb.

11- The total weight of the images, stylesheets, external JavaScripts, Flash, and any external element in the HTML, should not exceed 80Kb.

12- Avoid unnecessary things, debug the source code, delete bad nested tags. Tip: You can copy the source code generated with the wyswyg editor in Joomla and paste it into Dreamweaver and clean it using the code cleaning tool in DW.

13- Respect (or try to) the W3C and WAI standards.

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