Once you initiate a domain transfer in our system our registrar will send an approval email to the domain listed registrant and/or administrative contact, this usually happen between 12-24 hrs after you have initiated the transfer process.
You have five (5) days to approve the transfer.
Note: Most of the registrar send a link in the approval email to expedite the transfer process, you can use that link to expedite the transfer process and quickly transfer your domain name.
If you do not approve it, the transfer process is canceled.
If you approve the transfer following the instructions in the email sent by our registrar, the current registrar is notified about it and you will receive another approval email from them.
Once you approve the transfer following the instructions sent by the current registrar the domain transfer is complete and your domain now is transferred to our registrar and will be listed in our Client Area for management.
Keep in mind processing time can vary on each registrar, a usual transfer can take up to 5 days if you have approved the emails in timely manner.
For more information regarding the approval and rejection of domain transfers and registrar responsibilities, please see the article, ICANN Domain Transfer Policy.